Big Lagoon School is now enrolling for the 2025/2026 school year! Please call our office if you have questions.
Big Lagoon School sits at the edge of a spruce forest and is steps away from the lagoon and the ocean. Surrounded by this natural beauty, our campus provides the best opportunity for students to focus on learning, both inside and outside the classroom. The class sizes are small, and contain multiple grade levels, where students work and make growth at their own pace while receiving direct instruction from highly qualified teachers. Our attentive, professional staff maintain high expectations, and our students know they are cared for. It is a privilege and a pleasure to work at this school district.
Christy Ng
Introduction from New Superintendent/Principal, Christy Ng
I am deeply honored to serve and become a part of this very special school district. My core values are honesty, compassion, communication, and transparency. It is exciting to think of all of the things we will accomplish together this year to the benefit of our students.
If you'd like, please feel free to call and I will set aside time for an introduction and conversation. Summer is the perfect time for this, and I’d love to meet everyone. I am looking forward to starting the new school year with you. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Message from Interim Superintendent/Principal, Dr. Rosie Slentz.
March 2, 2023
This is it! As we turn the corner into Spring we are inviting awesome people to apply to join our family as our next Superintendent-Principal. Most people are not familiar with this hybrid administrative role. Like all Superintendents, this position takes direction from the Board of Trustees about "what" to focus on. It is the Superintendent-Principal's responsibility to figure out "how" to leverage and coordinate human, physical, and fiscal resources to manifest the District's vision. This dual role wears a variety of hats and is more hands-on than administrators in large districts. Years ago I was working with a group of Superintendent-Principals who described their roles with terms ranging from "rattlesnake killer" to "instructional coach". We are looking for someone who embraces the fact that they will find themselves occasionally cooking lunch, teaching a class, making bank deposits, and figuring out why the boiler is making strange sounds--that's the beauty of a small school setting.
Big Lagoon is a dream job. Every time a student walks by my office and squishes their face against the window it makes my heart sing. Like every administrative position, there are a gazillion tasks and forms to take care of, but here, there are very few students--and that means you have the opportunity to form meaningful connections.
And if I didn't make it clear, this is a position for someone who will roll up their sleeves and pick up the trash that the mountain lion spreads around the parking lot. They will collaborate with teachers to support them in differentiating for 4-5 grade levels. They will juggle the schedules, absences, and needs of multiple part-time staff and ultimately, they will infuse the school community with joy and motivation to nurture the learning experience that our kiddos deserve.
If you're an educator reading this, and it makes your stomach jiggly with excitement, this might be the job for you. If you have questions, please reach out.
Message from Interim Superintendent/Principal, Dr. Rosie Slentz.
December 6, 2022
I can't believe we are heading into Winter Break soon! As the fall weather has set in, we arrive each morning to a sparkling frosted field, speckled with hungry red-breasted birds. Our trusty boiler is keeping the classrooms cozy and our new cook, Shaina is keeping our bellies full with flavorful, scratch-cooked meals.
Our primary classroom (Ms. Rebecca) has nine students in grades K-3 and our upper grade classroom (Mrs. Macanas) has seven students in grades 4-6. If you are interested in attending Big Lagoon and you live in a different district, NOW IS THE TIME to fill out an interdistrict transfer request for your district of residence. Your chances of approval are highest if you apply between Dec.1-Feb.1. The link for the 2023-24 school year can be found
One of the wonderful aspects of working at a small school district is the feeling of family and the way everyone pitches in for all the things that need doing. That said, we are searching for a couple more people to join our team. We need a bus driver and para-educator. Please email
[email protected] if you are interested or have questions about these opportunities. If you live within our district boundaries, you may be interested in serving your community by joining our school board, which meets once a month.
We are really proud of our After School Adventures program. Mr. G operates this M-W-F, focusing on culturally relavant lessons and outdoor education. Kids get to garden, hike, and explore the forest each week. We would love to find someone to teach on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Our first choice would be a music instructor, but art and other enrichment activities would be fun too. You do not need a teaching credential for this position but you should feel comfortable facilitating and managing a group of kids.
Be Well,
Rosie Slentz, Ed.D
Interim Superintendent/Principal of Big Lagoon School District
Director of Learning Support Services, Humboldt County Office of Education
Message from Interim Superintendent/Principal, Dr. Rosie Slentz.
August 9, 2022
This is my favorite time of the school year. There is so much dreaming and planning taking place as our team readies for the return of the students. We're washing away the cobwebs, planning menus, organizing spaces, creating playlists, ordering origami paper, cleaning carpets, and assessing what will help our kiddos thrive. This is a moment of possibility [Can you hear Starship's
Nothing's Gonna to Stop us Now playing in the background?].
Big Lagoon has a history of providing place-based learning amidst the spruce forest and on the lagoon shores. We also strive to integrate culturally relevant curriculum. I look forward to building on these strengths and creating an environment where staff, community, families, and students feel safe, heard, and valued.
Do you have any awesome friends? Do they need a job? We are looking for a Nutrition Director, an Office Manager, a Paraprofessional, a Bus Driver, and a Business Manager--or any combination of those roles. Until we fill these vacancies, I ask that you give us some grace as we navigate these gaps.
We are a small but mighty team and we can accomplish great things. We can do even more with your help and support. Follow our Facebook page, ask how you can be of service, foster positive relationships, and let me know what your questions are.
Be Well,
Rosie Slentz, Ed.D
Interim Superintendent/Principal of Big Lagoon School District
Director of Learning Support Services, Humboldt County Office of Education
Message from Acting Superintendent, Michael Davies-Hughes.
July 13, 2022
Dear Big Lagoon School Community,
I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer. I'm reaching out to you with some information about some of the things going on at Big Lagoon School. At the end of June, Linda Row resigned as Superintendent-Principal to take a position as Superintendent-Principal at Loleta Elementary School. We wish her much success in her new position. Additionally, all five members of the Big Lagoon School District Board of Trustees also resigned at the end of June. These departures are significant for the school and community.
Until a new Superintendent-Principal is selected for Big Lagoon, as County Superintendent of Schools I will be serving in this capacity. In accordance with California Education Code, the President of the Humboldt County Board of Education has appointed three Humboldt County Board of Education members to serve as Trustees for Big Lagoon School District until such time that new Big Lagoon board members are appointed or elected. The current Board members are Thom McMahon, Sheila Rocker Heppe, and Loretta Eckenrode. If you are interested in serving on the Board (or if you know of someone who is interested in serving on the board) please email me as soon as possible at
[email protected]. Interested individuals must reside within the Big Lagoon School District boundaries. The District Locator Tool found at the following link may be used to determine your school district of residence:
Looking to the future, Trustees McMahon, Eckenrode and Rocker-Heppe are very interested in understanding the needs of the Big Lagoon School community. At the beginning of the next regularly scheduled board meeting, the Big Lagoon Board of Trustees will be conducting a special study session. This will be an opportunity for them to hear from the Big Lagoon School community about your aspirations, hopes, ideas and concerns as we plan for the future. The meeting will be held in-person at the Big Lagoon School cafeteria on Thursday, July 21 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM. I will be joined by Dr. Colby Smart, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services at the Humboldt County Office of Education, in facilitating the study session that will include opportunities to interact in both "whole group" and "small group" formats. Light refreshments will be provided for attendees. The Board will convene for their regular meeting immediately following the study session.
A flyer regarding the study session is linked
here. If you have any questions about the meeting, please email Natalie Carrigan, Administrative Assistant to the County Superintendent, at
[email protected] or call (707) 445-7022.
Michael Davies-Hughes
Acting Superintendent of Big Lagoon School District
Humboldt County Superintendent of Schools
Big Lagoon News
May 2022
Board Meeting
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Big Lagoon Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, May 10th at 4:30 pm in Room 1 on the school campus. Please be aware that, in accordance with the Board’s April 2022 vote, the meeting will be in-person only and there will be no Zoom option. Masks are required to attend the meeting. The agenda and packet will be posted on the school website ( on Friday, May 6th.
Public Hearing and Parent Committee Meeting
The Northern Humboldt Indian Education Program, Title VI, will conduct a Public Hearing and Parent Committee meeting on May 4, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The hearing and meeting will take place via ZOOM conferencing. To attend the meeting, please log in to the Northern Humboldt Union High School District website at, go to Calendar of Events, and go to the link. All parents/guardians of American Indian/Alaska Native students enrolled in Trinidad, McKinleyville, Blue Lake, Pacific Union, Arcata, Big Lagoon, Jacoby Creek, Fieldbrook, and Northern Humboldt Union High School Districts and community members are invited to attend. The purpose of the hearing is to receive community input to the 2022-2023 Title VI, Formula Grant application. For more information email
[email protected]
Topic: PAC meeting to approve grant applicationTime: May 4, 2022 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 820 9465 1530
Local Indicators Priority 3 Survey
Each year, public school districts are required to report on a number of “local indicators,” which are data points that the state does not have the means to collect. One of these required indicators is Parental Involvement and Family Engagement (LCFF Priority 3). We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Educational Partners Advisory Committee
A wide variety of school endeavors require collaboration between the school district and its educational partners, who may be staff, parents, and community partners. Last year our partners provided valuable input on our COVID safety plans, the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and our local performance indicators. The next Educational Partners Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 11th at 4:00 via Zoom. In case that time does not work for some people, another meeting (on the same topics) will be held on Thursday, May 12th from 9:00 to 10:00. We will review progress towards our LCAP goals.
Here is the Zoom link for the Wednesday May 11th meeting (4:00 - 5:00 pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 741 7282 8224
Passcode: y6g1sV
And here is the link for the Thursday, May 12th meeting (9:00 - 10:00 am)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 771 6809 6745
Passcode: 8f8p3c