Aug. 16th, 2020 Family Letter

Dear Big Lagoon families,
I hope each of you has enjoyed your summer and time with your loved ones.  As we gear up for our 2020-2021 school year I wanted to check-in!  Big Lagoon will be opening on August 24th with a hybrid model, offering on-site instruction Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9am-2pm, as well as distance learning instruction.  There aren't enough resources or time to make this such a big transition simple or easy, but I am 100% certain about making sure your children feel safe, engaged, and heard as we navigate these unprecedented times.  
Linda Row is our new Superintendent/Principal and has asked that I refer each family to check-in with her.  You can contact her vial email ([email protected], same as Jennifer Glueck used), or call the school 707.677.3688.  She will be our point person for communication and questions.

Thank you all, and I'm excited to be seeing you and your children in whatever capacity you deem fit for your family!  
Ms. Rebecca